Posted by: Emily | October 1, 2008

Underwear Radius

Yesterday I was watching an episode of one of my favorite shows, How I Met Your Mother (it’s the new Friends and Doogie Howser is in it!). One of the characters, Marshall, is a recent law school graduate who is unemployed and got to the point where he was not putting on pants all day long. The gang was talking about the “underwear radius” which is the distance one will travel while in their underwear (first, you open your door to get the paper, next, you walk to the mailbox, and eventually you run out for some food in your boxers). Ted, one of the other characters, explained that the more of a loser you feel like, the larger your underwear radius is. This cracked me up because it is something that I am very familiar with. Instead of underwear though I wear my Costco lounge pants all day. I have reached the point where I get the mail and take out the trash with these on. Because, well, I just don’t care!!! I also rarely care enough to brush my hair, shave my legs, or put on makeup. Poor Frenchie!!

I think it might be time for me to find a reason to put pants on in the morning. I’m really going to start the job search now. I mean it, really!! Well, maybe tomorrow. It’s already 2:30 which only leaves my 9 hours before I have to go to bed and a lot of mindless tasks to get done before then. : )

UPDATE: I went to the library (in regular pants) but not until I was standing in front of the shelves did I realize that my pants were unzipped. Oops! Was I embarrassed? ehhh, not really. Also, I put on a new jacket that I got the other day at H&M and realized that the tag was still on. I wore that jacket the entire day on Saturday with the tag on. Awesome.



  1. Penguin Pizza is hardly a mindless task! 🙂

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